NISSK, INC.は、DBE/MBE (CA, NY, WASHINGTON DC)ライセンス保持した運送・物流会社です。プロジェクトカーゴ、重量物、長尺物、特殊貨物の梱包・船積・海上輸送はもちろん北米及び中南米内の内陸輸送、通関、据付作業までの一貫サービスを行っています。特に、北米及び中南米においては、豊かな経験に基づく安心で確実なサービスをご提供できます。
NISSK,INC. is a DBE / MBE (CA, NY, Washington DC) certified logistics service company. We provide project cargo transport services safely and reliably under a consistent system by making the most of its domestic and international network. The services range from packing, loading and transport by sea of heavy-lift, oversized, specialized and other project cargoes to unloading, customs-clearance, overland transport and installation services in countries and regions of destination.